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Nuvens support for WorkSpaces Manager is 24×7, 365 days per year and we always look forward to answering any questions you have about using WorkSpaces Manager. If you would prefer to install the appliance, at your own pace, please select the icon of the topic that you would like to know more about.


First Steps 

WorkSpaces Manager is available on a 30 day free trial license via the AWS Marketplace. Your 30 day trial starts from once the appliance is installed, not when you receive the license key. Once the license key is received, the appliance can be deployed via cloud-formation from the AWS MarketPlace. 

Step 1

Obtain License Key

Subscribe to the WorkSpaces Manager appliance from the AWS Marketplace. 

Step 2

Deploy Appliance

Deploy the WSM appliance via cloudformation from the AWS Marketplace. 

Step 3

Domain Join

Once this step is complete you can either contact WorkSpaces Support for assistance with deployment or work through the video guides yourself.


Once the appliance has been installed, you may choose to encrypt traffic between the WorkSpaces Manager console and the appliance. If this is something you wish to do, please follow the next two steps 

We highly recommend installing an SMTP relay for WSM in Step 6, to ensure all functionality is available. 

Step 4

SSL Certificate

How to create a SSL Certificate in AWS Certificate Manager for WSM

Step 5

Load Balancer

How to create a Load Balancer from within the AWS console.

Step 6

SMTP Relay for WSM

How to set up a SMTP relay for WorkSpaces manager.


Further Configuration

In this section you will discover what you can do with further configuration of the WorkSpaces Manager Appliance.  

Password Reminders

Guide to follow shortly 

WSUS Integration

Guide to follow shortly 


Guide to follow shortly 

Auto Provisioning WorkSpaces

Guide to follow shortly 

Cost Optimizer

Guide to follow shortly 

Multi Domain/Account

Guide to follow shortly 

Admin/User Roles

Guide to follow shortly 

Fixed Tags

Guide to follow shortly 

Proactive Rightsize

Guide to follow shortly